Ramazzini Days

Ramazzini Days 2020

23-25 October, 2020 Carpi, Italy

Questions regarding the scientific program may be sent to Melissa McDiarmid mmcdiarm@medicine.umaryland.edu and Carol Rice carol.rice@uc.edu.

Schedule of Events

Friday October 23th: 9:00 - 13:15 EST / 15:00 - 19:15 CET

09:00 / 15:00

Introduction and Welcome

Philip J. Landrigan, Susannah Tillson & Morando Soffritti

09:15 - 11:00

Scientific Session 1: Ramazzini in the time of Covid I

10-15 mins per speaker and 30 min for discussion

Co-Chairs: Melissa A. McDiarmid, Bill Suk

Speakers: Melissa A. McDiarmid, Leon Y. Guo, Siriruttanapruk Somkiat, Raul Harari, Roberto Lucchini



11:15 - 13:15

Scientific Session 2: Ramazzini in the time of Covid II

10-15 mins per speaker and 30 min for discussion

Co-Chair: Jane C. Caldwell, Eduardo Algranti

Speakers: Julieta Rodriguez-Guzman, Rodney Ehrlich, Ellen K Silbergeld, Martin G. Cherniack, Karel Van Damme, Robert J. Harrison

Saturday October 24th: 9:00 - 13:00 EST / 15:00 - 19:00 CET


Council of Fellows (with honored guest, the Mayor of Carpi)


Virtual Spritz Reception

Sunday October 25th: - 9:00 - 13:30 EST / 14:00 - 18:30 CET

9:00 - 9:45

Attended Poster Sessions / Rapid Scientific Presentations

1-3 min pre-recorded overview of each; discussion of all posters

Co-Chair: Lilian Corra, Christine Oliver

Presenters: Finkelstein Yoram, Pier Giorgio Natali, Daniela Pelclova, Wojciech Hanke, Elihu D. Richter

9:45 - 11:00

Scientific Session 3: Ramazzini in the time of Covid III

10-15 mins per speaker and 30 for discussion (with ALL covid panelists)

Co-Chair: John Dement, Knut Ringen

Speakers:Philippe Grandjean, Daniele Mandrioli, Joseph Hughes



11:15 – 13:15

Scientific Session 4: Work of the Fellows

10-15 mins per speaker and 5 minutes for questions of each speaker discussion

Co-Chair: Ken Takahashi, Fiorella Belpoggi

Speakers: Domyung Paek, Rokho Kim, Daniele Mandrioli, Casey Bartrem, Jia Chen, Vyvyan Howard, Antonio Giordano

13:15 - 13:30

Closing Statements

Join the Ramazzini Days 2024

Carpi, Italy from 24 to 27 October 2024