Ramazzini Days

Ramazzini Days 2021

28-31 October, 2021 Carpi, Italy

Questions regarding the scientific program may be sent to Melissa McDiarmid mmcdiarm@medicine.umaryland.edu and Carol Rice carol.rice@uc.edu.

Schedule of Events

Thursday October 28th: 8:00 - 13:00 EST / 14:00 - 19:00 CET

08:00 - 08:10

Introduction and Welcome

Philip J. Landrigan, Susannah Tillson & Morando Soffritti


DAY 1 - Scientific Session 1: Covid-19 as an Occupational Disease (1hr 50 min)

8-9 mins per speaker and 30 min for discussion

Co-Chairs: David Michaels, Gregory Wagner

David Michaels - Covid-19 as an Occupational Disease: Where are We Now and Where are We Going?

Gregory Wagner - Responses of OHS regulators and inspectors to the Covid-19 pandemic

Raul Harari - COVID-19 and the Impact in Work, Health and Safety in Ecuador: Findings 18 months into the Pandemic

Francesco Forastiere - Covid-19 in Italy: challenges of data collection, analyses and prevention

Krishna Nirmalya Sen - Managing migrant workforce at Indian construction sites: OSH challenges and mitigation during various phases of COVID-19 pandemic

Tamar Berman - Challenges in Conducting Biomonitoring Fieldwork in Israel during the COVID Pandemic

Ivan Ivanov - Caring for those who care: Occupational health and safety for all health workers.

Komi Modji - Workers’ Compensation and the Implications of Long COVID-19 in Wisconsin

Emily A. Spieler - Public Policy Challenges to Occupational Safety and Health Protection During a Pandemic

10:00– 10:45

DAY 1 - Scientific Session 2: Work of the fellows (45 min)

10 mins per speaker, 5 mins for questions

Co-Chairs: Rima Habib, Richard Duffy

Daniele Mandrioli - The Ramazzini Institute studies on glyphosate-based herbicides: results and state-of-the art of the project

Stephan Böse-O'Reilly - Hot days for health care workers - Combining heat and infection control measures - Climate change and Covid-19

Roberto Lucchini - Emerging preparedness for major accidents: updates about the 9/11 health consequences and more recent events

10:45 – 11:00


11:00 - 12:00

DAY 1 - Scientific Session 3: Pesticides and Infertility

10-15 mins per speaker and 20 min for discussion

Co-chairs: Aleksandra Fucic, Ludwine Casteleyn

Aleksandra Fucic -Age- and gender-specific endocrine disrupting effects of pesticides on fertility

Fiorella Belpoggi - In vivo bioassay as an important tool to investigate infertility mechanisms of pesticides

Evangelini Evgeni - Male infertility associated with exposure to pesticides: experience from andrology clinics

12:00 - 1:00

DAY 1 - Scientific Session 4: Work of the Fellows

10 mins per speaker, 5 mins for questions

Corrado Magnani - Italian pool of asbestos workers cohorts: investigation of asbestos related neoplasms after long time since first exposure

Arthur Frank - Dust Inside:Fighting and living with asbestos-related disasters in Brazil. Thoughts on the contribution of ethnography to understand and tackle global health disasters

Ken Takahashi - e-Toolkit for the Elimination of Asbestos-Related Diseases in Developing Countries

Rodney Ehrlich - Computer aided detection (CAD) of radiological silicosis - a new application of an evolving AI technology

Friday October 29th: 8:00 - 13:00 EST / 14:00 - 19:00 CET

8:00 - 9:30

DAY 2 – Scientific Session 1: – Toxicity of fluoride (90 min)

10-15 mins per speaker and 30 min for discussion

Co-chairs: Ana Soto and Linda Birnbaum

Introduction by the Chairs: Ana Soto and Linda Birnbaum

Ana Soto - Developmental Neurotoxicity of Fluoride

Bruce P. Lanphear - Prospective Cohort Studies of Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Children’s Intellectual Abilities

Philippe Grandjean - Use of epidemiology data to estimate safe fluoride exposure During pregnancy

Discussant: Vyvyan Howard

9:30 - 10:30

DAY 2 – Scientific Session 2: Work of the Fellows

10 mins per speaker, 5 mins for questions

Jung-Der Wang - How many life-years/QALYs and healthcare expenditures could we save to prevent a case of catastrophic illness, including cancer?

Somkiat Siriruttanapruk - The study of priority setting for occupational carcinogens in industries in Thailand

Daniela Pelclova - Recommended Monitoring of the Inhalational Exposure to Nanoparticles in Workers Using Oxidative Stress Markers

David Christiani - The Electronic Vaping Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) Outbreak

10:30 - 10:45

Coffee Break


DAY 2 –Scientific Session 3 - Rapid Poster Presentations (45 min)

3 min pre-recorded overview of each; discussion of all posters will follow

Co-chairs: Casey Bartrem, Dennis Nowak

Davide Degli Esposti - Endocrine disruption: a crustacean perspective

Gunnar Nordberg - Human Metal Exposure and Adverse Health Effects

Elihu D. Richter - On radar and radio exposure and cancer in the military setting

Daniel Hryhorczuk - t(14;18) Translocations in Dioxin-Exposed Workers

Marco Vinceti - Association between air pollutants and hippocampal volume as assessed through magnetic resonance imaging in adult population: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Jennifer Sass - Health Evaluations that are Transparent, Timely and Lead to Health-Protective Actions: Workshop Report

11:30 - 13:00

DAY 2 – Scientific Session 4: Conflict of Interest Disclosure in Epidemiology (90 min)

10-15 mins per speaker and 30 for discussion

Co-chairs: Colin L. Soskolne, Michael Gochfeld

Colin L. Soskolne - Conflict-of-interest (COI) and disclosure in epidemiology: from an INEP Position Statement to a toolkit for preventing methodological misuse

Juan Pablo Ramos-Bonilla - Conflict-of-interest (COI) and its impact on the research question

Daniele Mandrioli - Financial conflict-of-interest as a source of bias in Epidemiology

Lisa Bero - What do we know about disclosure?

Carl F. Cranor - Misusing Bradford Hill’s viewpoints and distorting science.

Discussants: Michael Gochfeld, Kurt Straif

Saturday October 30th: 8:00 - 13:00 EST / 14:00 - 19:00 CET

8:00 - 8:15

Welcome – President Dr. Philip Landrigan

8:15 - 8:30

Update from Carpi - Mayor Alberto Bellelli

8:30 - 9:15

Updates from the Collegium Ramazzini:
President’s Report - Dr. Philip Landrigan
Secretary General’s Report – Dr. Morand Soffritti
Treasurer’s Report – Dr. Mark Robson

9:15 - 9:30

Programming Update

9:30 - 10:45

Membership News and Views

10:45 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:30


History of the Award - Ramazzini Institute President, Dr Fabrizio Sarti 2021 Award Recipient Introduction - CR President Dr. Landrigan

11:30 - 12:30

Ramazzini Award Winner Talk:
Dr. Linda Birnbaum - “A Tale of Two ‘Toxins’: Dioxins vs. PFAS“

12:30 – 13:00

Virtual Social Hour & Closing

Join the Ramazzini Days 2024

Carpi, Italy from 24 to 27 October 2024